Friday, January 4, 2013

How to Check Genuine Company

3 Steps to Choose Experience Consultancy or Company

How to Find Company PAN and TAN Numbers to Provide Form16

 Step1: Open
 Step2: Go to Left hand side, Services->Click On  Know Your TAN
 Step3: Select the Category of Deductor as  Company
 Step4: Select the State as  Karnataka( or Maharashtra...Depending on State)
 Step5: Put the tick mark for  Name 
 Step6: Enter the  Company Name( Minimum 4 Characters)(Example:XYZ Tech) 
 Step7: Enter the Captch Code 
 Step8: Click on Submit,you get the company details
 Step9: A Valid Company should have  PAN
        A Valid Company should have TAN
        Comapny Address Should Match with Current Address
        A Valid Company Status should be Active
 Step10:If above Steps Satisfies then only company can generate
        Guenine Taxable Form16
 If above steps are not satisfies then generating Form16 is not possible 

How to Find the Registered Company

 Step1: Open all small Pop Ups)
 Step2: Click on MCA21(It will Take you to
 Step3: Left hand side you can see quick links.
        click on Check Company or LLP Name
 Step4: Enter Your Company Name at *Company or LLP Name Edit Box 
        (Example: XYZ Infotech)and Click on Search Button
 Step5: If it is Registered Company you will get all details including
        company registered date 
        If it is  not Registered  Company you will get pop up message with 
        "No match found" 

How to Find Age of the Company or Domain

 Step1: Open  
 Step2: Enter the Company URL( in the search Bar
 Step3: Click on Search button and check out for Registred on Date

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